My name is Shannon Dorgay and I adore so many things about decorating! So many ideas run through my head each day that I thought I'd share them with you here and see if I could find some friends. Friends that share a love of yard sales, flea markets, antique shops, history, gardening, family, cooking, crafts and so very much more. My first love is digging for those hidden treasures that I can turn into the next great piece for my home.
I just joined a fabulous company called "Celebrating Home". It lets me use my creative side on my own time and terms! Visit my website at
www.celebratinghome/52281318 to see some of our fabulous items!
My goal each day is to surround myself with beauty, creativity, wonderful smells (whether it's a cinnamon candle or chicken and rice in the crock pot)! I try to do something creative each day- scrapbook a page or two or make a card for a friend. But my absolute passion is decorating my home near the Ohio River in Southern Indiana! The thrill of the hunt really gets my adrenaline going...
Let me tell you about my wonderful family! My husband Matt and I have been married for 16 1/2 years. We have 2 great kids, Catie who is 14 and helpful and talented at tennis and art. And Drew who will be 11 in a few weeks, he is into sea creatures and mythical monsters (Lochness for instance) and he is such a talented drawer as well. I am blessed beyond measure that I have a loving supportive family.
I am going to post pictures of my home on my blog, share my favorite receipes and little helpful tidbits. My friends call me the Martha Stewart of Southern Indiana but more on the low budget,do it yourself,trash to treasure end of the scale!
I want to hear what you would like to hear about my life. So please post comments! Be gentle-I am very tender hearted!!
For today-"Home is one of the best words in ANY language"
Shannon :)
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